Sometimes our “drama radar” stays with us way longer than is really necessary.
As we grow and become more aware of who we are and find our way of peace and fulfillment the old pattern of “finding the drama” can still continue to construct itself.
This involution, see what I did there, is at first like a huge daunting roller coaster with big highs and big lows. Then as we release some old past patterns we step off the big roller coaster and get on a kiddie roller coaster. Still some highs and lows but a lot less “what the fuck” daily moments. The problem is for 30-50+ years we unknowingly had our “drama radar” scoping our life for more drama and actually calling it to us.
Don’t believe me? Have you seen an orange car lately? No, because you have not been looking for one. Now the next few days tell yourself your looking for an orange car and watch how many you “magically” start seeing. This is a very scientific tactic the brain uses to keep us safe but we have turned it into a drama creator because what we look for we find.
All is not lost though because as we continue to grow and find ourselves we can see this pattern come up and instead of act it out or get pissed at it and give it energy we can redirect our focus on what we do want.
This past week my “drama radar” was on high alert, something about being around my birthday and feeling old 😂😂. I sat with it for a few days and chose to get back to all the amazing things I have in my life like a healthy family and a great neighborhood.
When you find yourself playing the “drama roulette” be aware of the pattern but don’t beat yourself up about it. Here is a technique I just used to realign myself.
Step 1- Take 10 long slow breaths into your abdomen.
Step 2- Remember a time you were really happy and feel that in your chest again.
Step 3- Name 3 things you are genuinely grateful for.