Quantum Physics and The Human System Of Electromagnetism

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Operational Definitions – 

  1. Energy  
    1. Energy is simply a potential ability to change or move something else.
      1. For example, the energy stored in a battery has the potential to change the state of an electrical device.
      2. The energy stored in food has the potential to move our muscles and enable us to perform physical activities.
    2. Energy is the potential for specific outcomes and also the output of specific particles.
  2. Frequency 
    1. A frequency carries a specific set of data.
  3. The Electromagnetic Field
    1. An electromagnetic field carries specific frequencies.
    2. An electromagnetic field is made up of oscillating electric and magnetic signals
      1. Magnetic signals or magnetic charge is simply a pull force.
      2. Electric signal means movement of an electric charge.
  4. Matter –
    1. Matter is made up of molecules which are made of atoms
    2. Atoms have a nucleus which is surrounded by a field of electrons
      1. This field is actually made up of 99.999% space
    3. The building blocks of our material world is made up of 99.999% space
      1. What is in that space?
  1. The Quantum Field Related to Matter – 
  1. According to quantum physics the space in atoms is actually made up of infinite data or frequencies. This frequency is stored and sorted by electromagnetic fields. 
    1. Everything in the universe has a specific frequency that can be interacted with through electromagnetic fields. At the atomic and subatomic level, particles have specific frequencies and energy levels, and these can be influenced and interacted with by electromagnetic fields. Additionally, all matter, including living organisms, generates an electromagnetic field, which can interact with other fields in the environment. This interaction between electromagnetic fields and specific frequencies is the basis for many phenomena in the natural world, including light and sound waves, chemical reactions, and biological processes.
  2. Each electron field is made up of the potential of the electrons to appear in a multitude of specific states, when not observed they appear in a superposition of all available positions or a cloud of potential.
  3. When observed, this space in atoms reacts to what we are trying to observe, meaning it interacts with the observer for what the observer is trying to observe.
  4. When scientists look for the electrons in specific locations they appear there. Our electromagnetic field carries a specific frequency, a specific set of data, interacts with the energy that causes the frequency of the electrons to appear to match our frequency.
  5. Our electromagnetic field creates a specific frequency that causes the atoms to quantize to only appear in certain specific arrangements.
    1. The electromagnetic field is made up of waves of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. These fields have a specific frequency associated with them, which determines their energy and wavelength. When an atom interacts with the electromagnetic field, it absorbs or emits energy in discrete packets called photons, which have a frequency corresponding to their energy.
    2. So, the electromagnetic field can carry different frequencies that can interact with atoms and cause them to quantize and occupy specific energy levels. In other words, the frequency of the electromagnetic field can influence the energy levels and behavior of atoms and molecules.
  6. Quantized refers to the property of atoms that they can only exist in a specific state at any given time, although they have the potential to exist at many different frequencies as a possibility. In other words, the energy levels of atoms are discrete and quantized, and when an atom is in a particular energy state, it can only emit or absorb energy in discrete packets or quanta. While atoms have the ability to exist in multiple states or frequencies as a possibility, they can only exist in one specific state at a time.
  1. The Electromagnetic Field Related to the Human System –
  1. The human system creates an electromagnetic field.
    1. In the human body, the flow of electrical impulses and chemical reactions generate electromagnetic fields, which can be measured with specialized equipment. The frequency and strength of these fields can be affected by various factors, such as emotions, thoughts, and physical activity.
  2. The act of observing or measuring the electron can influence its behavior, including its position and energy level. 
    1. This is known as the observer effect, and it suggests that the observer’s frequency or the specific set of data they are focused on can influence the behavior of the electron. The observer’s electromagnetic field carries specific frequencies created by their state of consciousness, mindset, or intention, which can affect the outcome of the experiment.
  1. The Electromagnetic Field of the Human System can be Altered –
  1. Activating the prefrontal cortex results in increased coherence of brain activity, which in turn leads to a stronger electromagnetic field.
    1. The prefrontal cortex is an area of the brain located behind the forehead that is involved in a variety of higher cognitive functions, such as decision-making, attention, and working memory. When this region is activated, it can lead to a more coherent and synchronized pattern of brain activity, as measured by electroencephalography (EEG) or magnetoencephalography (MEG).
    2. This coherence of brain activity is thought to arise from the interactions between neurons, which generate electrical and magnetic fields that can be measured outside the skull. These fields are collectively known as the electromagnetic field of the brain.
    3. When the prefrontal cortex is activated, the electromagnetic field generated by the brain becomes more synchronized and ordered, leading to a higher overall amplitude and coherence of the field. This is thought to reflect a more integrated and efficient pattern of neural communication, which is associated with better cognitive performance and emotional regulation.
  2. Focusing on higher level emotional states activates the prefrontal cortex.
    1. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that participants who practiced gratitude meditation showed increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain associated with positive emotions and well-being.
    2. A study published in the journal NeuroImage found that experiencing positive emotions (such as awe, love, and compassion) was associated with increased activity in the prefrontal cortex and insula, areas of the brain involved in emotion regulation and self-awareness.
  3. Activating Alpha and Theta brain waves increases the electromagnetic field. 
    1. In a study published in the Journal of Neurotherapy, researchers found that individuals with higher alpha brain wave activity had stronger electromagnetic fields, suggesting that alpha brain waves are associated with increased brain coherence and stronger electromagnetic fields.
  4. Meditation increases Alpha and Theta brain waves and the electromagnetic field. 
    1. In a study published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology, researchers found that participants who practiced Transcendental Meditation had increased alpha and theta brain wave activity and stronger electromagnetic fields compared to a control group.
    2. A study published in the journal Psychophysiology found that participants who practiced mindfulness meditation had increased alpha and theta brain wave activity and stronger electromagnetic fields compared to a control group.
  5. Our emotional state releases specific hormones that lower our Alpha brain wave function that affects our electromagnetic field.
    1. A study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology found that individuals with higher cortisol levels had lower alpha brain wave activity, which is associated with increased coherence and electromagnetic field strength.
    2. A study published in the journal PLOS ONE found that cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress, was negatively correlated with heart rate variability, which is a measure of the variability in time intervals between successive heartbeats. Lower heart rate variability is associated with decreased coherence in the autonomic nervous system and may be indicative of lower coherence in brain function and the electromagnetic field.
    3. Another study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that acute stress exposure led to a decrease in coherence in the alpha frequency band in the prefrontal cortex, which is an area of the brain associated with higher cognitive function and the generation of the electromagnetic field.
  6. Lack of emotional regulation causes a lower coherence of the autonomic nervous system which causes a lower electromagnetic field.
    1. Studies have shown that when the ANS is in a coherent state, there is an increase in heart rate variability, which is a measure of the variation in time between each heartbeat. This increase in heart rate variability has been associated with a stronger electromagnetic field in the body.
    2. Conversely, when the ANS is in a less coherent state, there is a decrease in heart rate variability and a weaker electromagnetic field in the body. This can occur during periods of stress, anxiety, or other emotional states that activate the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which is responsible for the body’s “fight or flight” response.
    3. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that decreased coherence in the autonomic nervous system was associated with decreased power of the electromagnetic field measured at the fingertips. The study looked at the relationship between heart rate variability, a measure of autonomic nervous system coherence, and the electromagnetic field measured using a fingertip sensor. The researchers found that as heart rate variability decreased, so did the power of the electromagnetic field. This suggests that there is a relationship between autonomic nervous system coherence and electromagnetic field strength.
  1. Meditation is The Key to Alter The Human System Electromagnetic Field –
  1. Meditation increases coherence in the brain and raises the electromagnetic field.
    1. In a study published in the journal Neuroscience Letters, researchers found that experienced meditators had increased alpha and theta activity, indicating increased coherence in the brain. They also found that the meditators had stronger electromagnetic fields than non-meditators.
    2. A study published in the journal Psychophysiology found that long-term meditation practice was associated with increased coherence in brain activity and stronger electromagnetic fields.
    3. Another study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that after just four days of meditation training, participants showed increased coherence in the prefrontal cortex and stronger electromagnetic fields.
    4. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports found that a specific type of meditation called Sahaja Yoga Meditation was associated with increased coherence in the brain and stronger electromagnetic fields.
  2. Meditation improves coherence of the autonomic nervous system.
    1. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that mindfulness meditation practice was associated with increased heart rate variability, a marker of greater coherence in the autonomic nervous system.
    2. Another study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology found that a mindfulness-based stress reduction program was associated with increased coherence in both the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system.
    3. A third study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine found that a 3-month meditation retreat was associated with increased heart rate variability and improved coherence in the autonomic nervous system.
  1. Conclusion – We can modulate the electromagnetic field and frequencies we want to create through conscious intention, meditation, emotional regulation and autonomic nervous system coherence. 
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