I had the privilege of running a mindset seminar for an amazing group of people this past weekend. And although they all came from diverse backgrounds there was a common thread among them, their unique story was actually a means of empowerment not disempowerment.
The problem is we get in our own head and live with all of our mistakes and shortcomings, thus leading to see our past as negative and unfruitful. Then those around us continue this pattern. Instead of seeing us for who we are now they still have their judgements and pattern beliefs of who we were and overlay them on the now. So the internal beliefs get a false external validation signal and become “realer.”
This is a self revolving pattern we can change by acknowledging our past and seeing the good along side the learning we completed. One of my very specific skill sets is helping people distill their stories into a true reality that helps project them towards fulfillment. It amazes me every time I speak to a powerful person and we dive deep into their story and the shame they feel about the difficulties they overcame. The conditioning of having to be perfect and have it all figured out is immense in the “look at only the perfect parts of my life” social media culture of 7 seconds videos. Yet if we could just take the time to sit with ourselves and have a powerful mirror of reflection we could see how bold, brave and impactful we are.
Another amazing aspect of our past is that it gives us very specific tools to see what struggles we endured and then see them in others. And when we can see others going through similar situations internally we can help them. This is the gift no one shares about our struggles. What a blessing it is to be able to help others and life has already provided us the ability to do so on a deeper level free of charge. When we have carried a weight of insecurity, imposter syndrome, regret or a tumultuous upbringing we can help others navigate the stormy seas of emotions that go with those circumstances. Changing our victimhood to empowerment of service.
I have never seen a saint or sinner that had not gone through difficulties, but what they chose to do with those difficulties made up the rest of their life. Never have I been perfect or made all the right choices, but I live in the now and am grateful to be of service in helping others with their struggles.
A lighthouse is not there to show the ships where they have traveled incorrectly, it is there to show the ships where they need to go.